From The Community
Think my widgets suck? Oh yeah, let's see you do better Brandon. I'm doing my best bro, leave me alone.
StreamUP Horizontal Chat (by Silverlink)
Horizontal chat widget that supports Twitch and YouTube. This is what nutty uses on his streams.
StreamUP Widgets
Tonnes of widgets from AndiLippi and friends.
Amuse Music Widget
This is the best music widget you can add to your stream. This is what nutty uses on his streams. It supports Spotify and YouTube Music.
Emote Rain (by VRFlad)
Ever wanted emotes to rain down on your stream? This widget does just that!
Mikorooni's Extensions
Mikorooni makes loads of stream widgets, including one that let's your viewers throw tomatoes at you by clicking on the screen!
Tawmae's Extensions
Tawmae makes widgets that are similar to mine except he's way better than me in every way.